Getting My Jotspot Account

We all know that Google has acquired JotSpot , i think some of the user out there might be regret never register an account first at Jotspot , why ?

Just like what happen on Writely , after acquired by Google, it stops accept any new account request and you might start putting your focus on it when you want to know what makes Google spend $ on it.

I thought i did register an account on Jotspot but after a few try of request of password, i don’t get any reset password email, until few day ago when i spend some time and write an email to the Jotspot support for this issue. They reply that my email actually register on JotSpot Tracker in stead of the JotSpot Wiki, but they are generously offer me a Jotspot account.

thats why i m in the Jotspot Wiki now , still not yet to spend some time on it, but i will try to bring a short review as soon as possible.
p/s It took me a few time to reset the password because i can’t figure where to change my password, until i realiaze you need to to edit the first page to change your own password

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