Freelance Report June 2013

After the relaxing May, I can’t really focus much at the beginning of June, but tons of incoming work and picking up some new client really push me into the “Focus mode”, in the end I guess I only done ok for the first half-year of 2013.

Freelance – Continue on 1 Laravel 3 Project and 2 WordPress project and kick-start of another 2 WordPress project.

Enquiry & Deal – 1 enquiry for WordPress development and another bigger deal is on the final quotation negotiation.

Learn – learning on Laravel 4.

that’s pretty much what happen on June. Since it’s already 50% of 2013, I would like to review what happen for the past 6 month.

  • It seem like pretty slow for the first 6 month, I don’t really getting a lot of projects compare to last year.
  • Current revenue is about 50% of last year total revenue.
  • build 1 iOS app.
  • Income is still mainly base on freelance, no product sales yet.

Hopefully in the next 6 month

  • Another iOS app.
  • Product sales.
  • 1 Open source release.
  • Build another service based side biz.

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