Readability for better reading experience

I m thinking of blog about all my bookmarklet just now and discover this new tool for better web reading experience – Readability. So What Readability did is create a bookmarklet for you base on your selection of text and display, by using this bookmarklet any article / blog post / story / news can be display in the way you want , which is more content focus.

If you are familiar with all kind of web2.0 product, Readability are quite similar to instapaper , in fact  Readability is inspired by instapaper . Currently the source code for Readability are hosted on google code and it seem like there are PHP Ported.

Another usage for Readability is combine with evernote , if you often using evernote , you might hate it when you try to clip a blog post, lots of non-related image and text will been clip together, if you are using a free evernote account, this will be worse , because it suck up more bandwidth, so there you go ,a bookmarklet combine Readability with evernote , it will format the text nicely before clip to evernote.


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