Remember The Milk leave beta

rtm_nobetaIt’s great to see another web2.0 service getting mature and finally step out from the “beta” branding, although now day the “beta” meaning is totally different. After four Remember The Milk finally remove the beta words from their logo, i thought they remove it already when they launch the pro account.

I been using Remember The Milk on and off for the past 4 years, i did subscribe the pro account for 1 year before but cancel it, i been trying a lot of replacement service , yet i still come back to RTM , i wrote a number of post on RTM before on this blog and most likely once i change my mobile phone from windows mobile to either iPhone or Android , i will be subscribe back to RTM, it seem like running on this 2 platform really help RTM gaining more users .

rtm_android rtm_iphone

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