5 reason why i like mac twitter application – nambu

I think some of the mac user might still looking for  mac twitter application that suit their need, there are quite a few adobe air application which allow you to use cross platform, but i prefer native application. Before this i m in love with eventbox and i even think about to buy it since the one i got it through macheist is a no upgrade version, but after i give nambu a revisit, i think no doubt my first choice now should be nambu.

1. Follower Avatar List, i like application which support this although it seem like not really have any special purpose.


2. Grouping feature – allow you to group the twitter account base on different grouping, tweets that you mark read in group will be reflect in the home screen too.


3. Multiple Twitter account support – i think quite a number of user have more then 1 twitter account, this feature allow you to manage multiple account in 1 application, should be a very attractive feature.


4. Multiple Service supported – another selling point support multiple service and the best part is all these service is quite related, example twitter , friend feed and pingfm.


5. Received Link Featre – there is a special grouping which will show all the tweets with hyper link only.


6. i thought i only say 5 on the post title ? yeah point 6 consider extra but i think worth to mention, since is under same group of developer, nambu support tr.im and pic.im


P/S I have just learn some new skill on skitch, that’s why apply it on these photo.

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