Rework Labs Report Apr 2014

I always thought that only busy with work make the time fly, now I know busy with life make time fly faster, I been wanted to write this post of the first day of May , by the time I really sit down and type out these few word , it’s already 10 of May, where the time goes ? work , life , baby .

So what happen this month ?

Freelance – continue the rebuild project using Laravel, 1 enhancement for my previous client, 1 WordPress maintainance project  and some smaller WordPress jobs.

Enquiry & Deal – total 4 enquiry , 1 rejected 2 pending and 1 confirm.

Business – too much planning to little time to do anything, planning to ship something in May.

Projects & Internal & Interesting  – nothings has been done , this is terrible.

Conclusion April seem good since starting of project flow in but overall performance I think is really sucks. I think I m doing great on March , try out lots of new thing and did some internal improvement, but not much of work during that month, coming to April , suddenly start to have some major work flow in and I m totally stop on trying out new thing and self-improvement, I don’t even have time to touch all my e-book.

Note to myself is to walk far I need to pump in more interesting things and innovation to my path and I need to ship something in order to keep up the spirit, just work blindly for something will get my self unmotivated.


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