Viewing all NETTUTS Screencast without going through each post

As a developer , I like both and theme forest’s blog content, not only they talk about popular topic like wordpress and jquery , they even provide screencast for tutorial. But most of the time i skip the screencast because i don’t really have the patient sit there and watch it slowly and it’s quite killing for long series like wordpress the designer and dive into php.

So the problem is , how am i going to watch all the screencast without going through each individual post ?

  1. Watch it all on , check it out
  2. Subscribe  it with your itune, itpc://
  3. Of course if you can subscribe it on itune , you can view it on your iphone or ipod touch.
  4. If you don’t like to using itune , you can use Miro


So just grab any screencast and watch , i hope you are enjoy. Oh , join their Tutsplus network, i think it really worth it.

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