Not everyone can be listed in wikipedia

Just now when i browsing through my facebook profile, i click on this person through the People You May Know section at the sidebar, hmmmmm it seem like this a famous person, since he put a wikipedia link for his self intro, i decide to visit the the link since not many people that i know having self intro in wikipedia.


This is what i see when i visit wikipedia , a deleted page. I was like huh ? how come ? if the page has been delete how come people still using on their facebook account ?  so i take a look the discussion why this page has been deleted.


This person is not a notable businessman or entrepreneur in Singapore. This was created to enhance his profile and reputation. The article is poorly written with references to insignificant episodes such as Army. The article is written by NcKnight, which is most likely the same person. Most of the references cannot be clicked on. There are a lot more Singaporeans with much more notable achievements

It seem like you must be ultra famous before you listed yourself in wikipedia and the important thing is you can’t simply write , must be in the proper format. If people is thinking using wikipedia to enhance their reputation, i think this should be a good example doing in the wrong way. If today i want to check on someone but reaching this page, i think i will cut off some mark for this person.

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