Developer , pick up these after leaving your comfort zone

This post is special for some of my developer friends who have just been retrenched, they are looking for new job , at the same time they are wonder what are the new skill they should pick up ? since they have been in the comfort zone for the past few year , they might be a bit lost track of what happen at the outside world.

I would recommend to pick up this 3 skill.

1. Version control – Git , it is one of the popular version control out there , you can learn it at  try git . Once you learn the basic , you can start to hang around at github , practice your git skill and playing with other open source repo. You can start to upload some of your work to github and helping fix some of the bug of the open source project, now day some company will even check your github account before interview.



2. Framework – Laravel, for a developer learning a framework is kind of important milestone, nope those in-house framework don’t really help you much , pick up an open source framework will help you to learn more , for PHP developer , I will highly recommend Laravel .


3. Frontend Framework – Twitter Boostrap – There are quite often as a developer you need to build something without the help of a designer , bootstrap is actually a good help for developer to easily craft the layout.











While looking for the next job, I guess spend sometime on the above skills if you never heard of any of these, who know if might help to land on your next job faster ?

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