My current host – Webfaction

I been using webfaction as my hosting for a few month, after i move out from knownhost VPS. So far most of the thing are ok at webfaction , but i feel that PHP is not their main focus, thats why they don’t pay that much of attention on PHP.

If you are a ruby developer that work on ruby on rails or a python developer that work on django, webfaction will be one of best share hosting choice for you, but if you just like me which is more toward to PHP application, you might need to consider. So far i having 2 issue at webfaction , one is i got time out some time which been explain is because the php script execute longer then the permit time, another issue is that eaccelator is not installed.

The Last good thing that i want to mention about this host , is their customize control panel , which split the site into 3 part, the application, the domain and the web site, the application is where put your application, the domain is where you control what domain you have, what subdomain you want to create and the last part the web site is which domain connect to which application.The benefit of this structure is , you can have 1 code base ( application ) and pointing by different domain, a multi site structure can be done easily.

Anyway i m looking for another host which is focus on php , maybe a litespeed host , so that my webfaction account can be my dev account and as a backup for my php accont.

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