HostMonk – web hosting package comparison

I just found this site through some tweets – HostMonk , a website that actually help you to compare different hosting pacakge that provide by different hosting company,  having a proper comparison list like this should be able to help you make decision easier ?

Currently HostMonk only provide dedicated and vps hosting related comparison, but share hosting and cloud hosting will be coming soon, among these 4 type of hosting, i think share hosting comparison should be most headache , i wonder how HostMonk going to sort this out.

I like the design and interface , it looks clean and neat, compare to some of the hosting package website out there, which sidebar full with different hosting company ads, HostMonk give me more comfortable feel if i really want to choose a hosting package through the comparison, but what i think it should added on some mashup, maybe google search result , twitter search result and WHT forum result toward these hosting company/hosting package, so that user can have  better understand on these company, don’t forget other then hardware specification and software compatible, what most of the user concern is the level of support.


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