Buildwith launch optimizer with discount error

One of my favourite web service – Buildwith release something new which call Optimizer. If you use Buildwith to analysyi web site before , you should know how much detail it able to dig out.

So the new Optimizer is more like consolidate of all these website analysis info and combine it with SEO analysis of the site  , adding some tracking and reporting feature, this consider quite a powerful and useful seo tools. If you are interested on this Optimizer , you can use “PRETW_E009” for $20 discount on premium account and “SICTE_E009” for $10 discount on basic account.

One of the small bug that i realiase when you input these code



this bug happen because they are giving out trial discount for launching, for the first month there will be 50% discount , but when you apply the promo code, it shouldn’t cross the promotion price, it should show the actual price. anyway just something small , remember to give it a try since there are 50% discount for the first month.

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