Titanium Studio with samples and templates

Appcelerator just release the latest Titanium and Titanium Studio 1.0.7 few days ago , I been using the Titanium Studio beta for the past few day , one of the interesting feature is ruble and by making use of this,there is more code sample and default templates to use when you create new Titanium project.

This is really for beginner like myself to understand and learn about Titanium Framework , but it seem like Appcelerator developer has turn off the feature when 1.0.7 official release, they change the master branch and hide the feature.

So these are the steps how to show the hidden samples and templates. I assume you have installed Xcode & Titanium Studio already. Follow the steps below on terminal.

  • cd ~/Documents/Aptana\ Rubles
  • git clone https://github.com/appcelerator/titanium_mobile.ruble.git
  • cd titanium_mobile.ruble/
  • git checkout -b development remotes/origin/development

Additional samples other than the Kitchen Sink

Additional Templates for Different kind of Apps


Hopefully this can speed up your Appcelerator Titanium learning process.

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