WordPress Plugin Competition Winners

I think the winners list is out for a few day , i just tested out these plugin on my testing wordpress install.

Vote2publish – too bad this plugin seem like only working on WordPress MU , i tested a few time on my single testing wordpress but  it only show me blank after i activate it.

WP Wall – i think Wall this idea is start from facebook ? it’s something like shoutbox , which allow you to leave a message on your friend’s wall ( which hang on their blog ), there are a lot of options for you to configure, example who allow to post, auto refresh the wall and even provide rss feed for wall.


WP Easy Uploader – a powerful uploader which are special cater for wordpress, it include the feature that what you going to upload will be a plugin or theme, so that it will auto upload to the correct path and unzip it , because it support a lot of zip extension (zip, tar, gz, tar.gz, tgz, tar.bz2, and tbz)

Manageble – what manageble does is allow you to mass edit your post/page with inline editing, almost most of the field can be edit and it build into the defaul manage post interface.


I going to blog about the top winner Comment Remix in part 2, this is getting too long.

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