Freelance Report April 2013

I m blogging about this in  the airport while waiting for my flight to start my short trip.

so how was my april ?

Freelance – Continue my work on the custom CMS and the solving some problem of the barcode scanning iOS app, I been working on some WordPress Plugin, the basic structure is ready but I guess I will wrap up and release it in June. I also working on a project reviewing website base on WordPress.

Enquiry & Deal – 2 enquiry 1 has failure and another one still pending.

Startup – Focus on plugin development, prepare to release as product.

Learn – Spending quite a lot of time on WordPress plugin development after working on WordPress for so many year, I have manage the basic , but hopefully to learn something more advance.

April has ended quietly, May shouldn’t be too much different also, since I will be away on the first week and last week of May. I m planning more thing to kickstart on June.

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