Blog Day 2008

I join in the fun on blog day on 2005 before, after 3 year this event still live and kicking and i been miss it on 2006 and 2007, so let me recommend the 5 blog on 2008.

  • You might heard about I love jack daniel before and after trademark issue , he is coming back as addedbytes , if you are a web developer, you can’t miss his blog,  you can find lots of cheatsheet and web application tips there.
  • I been thinking one day if possible i would like to become a freelancer , thats why freelanceswitch is one of my favourite blog, lots of freelance tips has been share in the blog , they recommend some useful tools for web use too.
  • Not every blog complete with words, i like The Bitter Stickgirl because the way she blog was drawing some simple line and connnect it , you get what she mean even there are no words.
  • I don’t know how to describe the mighty zeus’s blog – Cowboy Caleb , but it’s highly recommend ( sometime there are some nice NSFW post ! )
  • I think i recommend a taiwan blog durng 2005, this year the taiwan blog that i recommend will be 四小折 , not sure what to call it in english, but i like the comics he draw.

so these are the 5 blog i recommend , combine with different variety, different style of blog.

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