WordPress Plugins for 2.3

Since wordpress 2.3 release for sometime already, by now should be lots of people already upgrade, just to share some of the plugins that is specific for wordpress 2.3, most of these plugins available because of wordpress 2.3 new features.

One of the main feature for wordpress 2.3 is update notification, which will notify user when there are new core release or new plugin release, which telling you is time to upgrade, but some of the people might find this increase the load or privacy issue , that’s why these plugins been created.

Another main feature of wordpress 2.3 is Tagging, like i mention before there are no features to manage these tags, plugins should be created soon to manage it.

Click Tags – a plugin that display all your previous tag, which allow you to easily reuse, but you will have problem, when you have lots of tag


Adv Tag Entry – a simple plugin that did some simple tag management


Simple Tag – a most powerful tag management plugin, it has lots of feature, it can help you rearrange your tag for previous post, my favourite


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