Secure your wordpress with WP Security Scan

I m sure most of the wordpress user worry when they saw some wordpress blog been hack, other then keep your wordpress version update, i recommend this plugin to keep your wordpress secure – WP Security Scan .

  • Initial scan will advice certain step to secure your wordpress, example hide your wordpress version, alert you to get current version of wordpress,don’t use the defaul wp as database prefix and don’t use admin as default username. All these default setting can cause your wordpress higher risk.
  • File permission scanner also, which will compare your current file permission with proper permission required for that directory,if there are some alert, you need to chmod your directory with proper permission.
  • Password Tools, which another additional feature  that provide password strength checker,it allow you to check how secure the password you using.
  • Database , this is the build in feature which will change your wordpress table prefix, please backup before using it.

this is not plugin that after you install, your wordpress will be secure, it is more like a scanner which tell you what other thing you can do to secure your wordpress blog.

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