Quick Fix for K2 Rolling Archives

If you happen to use any k2-based themes , just upgrade to wordpress 2.1 and Rolling Archives feature is enable , you might need this quick fix.

Rolling Archives can’t display properly, it will display some database error, just edit this file options/app/info.php , looking for this sql query

$num_days = $wpdb->query(“SELECT DISTINCT post_date FROM $formwhere GROUP BY year(post_date), month(post_date), dayofmonth(post_date)”);

change the $fromwhere to your actualy post table name, by default it should call wp_posts , after changing this parameter , the rolling archives feature should be work again.

p/s this quick fix suitable for those new themes that created base on k2, assume you have modify a lot of code and just need to get this fix, this fix can be apply for all my k2-ing themes.

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