5 steps after getting your VPS

I blog about some VPS+cPanel experience before , recently i getting VPS without control panel and i going to share some of my experience. The first 5 steps once you getting your vps

  1. Make sure you can login the VPS by SSH , by default it should run on port 22
  2. Create another user, you shouldn’t use root account all the time.
  3. Change mysql root password, most of the time it come with default password which is no password
  4. Configure your source list, some ubuntu server by default without the source list, you can make use of this source list generator – don’t forget the location should set on where the server locate, not where you stay.
  5. Last running this command to update the server
    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

after this first 5 steps done, you can either secure & optimize the vps , install webmin to have better control on your vps.

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