Tagged: php


Setup LAMP Stack on Mac OS X Lion

I have just upgraded my old iMac to Mac OS X Lion, just documented down the process for setup LAMP Development environment, of course there is easier solution like using the MAMP all in one package....


Cloud Platform for PHP

It’s been sometime  I blog about things related to web hosting already, I been using Linode VPS ( my referral link ) for a year plus and I m really happy with it, I...


Easily setup LEMP on Linode

I just complete setup LEMP (Linux, nginx (engine-x), MySQL, PHP) on my Linode box, which is totally different with the traditional LAMP ( Linux , Apache , MySQL,  PHP) setup, if you never heard...

Display user count from delicious 0

Display user count from delicious

I m redesign one of my showcase site , one of the feature i m thinking of is display user count that saved the showcase site on delicious. Although there are some ready solutions...