open social is the next big thing ?

I still recall few day ago, there are some post related to The Web is the Platform and these words are coming from someone that working at Google, make me think that something might be coming soon. Today it seem like lots of blog is talking about Google next big thing – Open Social

i think there are many post about what is Open Social  , after i understand the basic idea of Open Social  , the first thing that pop in my mind , this sounds like Netvibes’s UWA (universal widget api ) ? We have the same problem on widgets, there are so many platform for widgets, UWA allow you to create one widget that able to run on different platform and you only need to learn one format.

Currently this is similar situation in social networking , because of facebook’s success , lots of social networking is going to release their own platform, if that really happen, developer will be damn busy. I think Google is hitting the web2.0 sweetspot again, lets see november release will give us what kind of surprise.

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